Do you aim to master your body and mind?

Hi, my name is Ramon.

I dedicate my life to explore, embody and teach total mastery of ones own organism.

What does mastering the body and mind even mean?

For me it stands for embodying a state of total presence to act and adapt optimally on a physical and mental level.

This includes for instance the perfect adaption of the heartbeat, breath, body tension and flow of thoughts to what is relevant in the very moment.

Such an active organism leads to total performance, health, freedom, clarity and joy. How do you embody that?

Discipline your body and mind with martial arts? Consume countless of books, seminars and courses? Follow and belief in teachers, teachings and traditions? Meditate, fast and live in solitude for years?

Where are all the enlightened Shaolin, Buddhists, and Yogis? Among these countless trainings and teachings to be a more performant, healthy, free, wise and happy human being, what does really work?

After years of personal development, physical and mental training, studying science and tradition, I have recognized that most information and training techniques are quite ineffective.

Most of them are based on belief, instead of true embodiment. They activate the body and mind only partially. At a specific point in the process, sometimes even immediately, they have a negativ effect or are just ineffective.

Based on my own experiences I don’t recommend fasting, solitude, strict diets and the attempt of mental acrobatics through meditation and contemplation. It is detrimental to believe in anything specific and follow traditions and teachings blindly.

The essence of an effective training is the systematic activation of the entire organism and to have insights into the true functioning of reality through ones own intelligence.

Depending on the state of the organism and the intensity of the training it is possible to get rid of all the blockages and obtain mastery of the body and mind within months or years. How? Following I like to give you an overview.

Do you aim to master your body and mind?

What does it even mean to master ones body and mind?

For me it stands for embodying a state of total presence to act and adapt optimally on a physical and mental level.

This includes for instance the perfect adaption of the heartbeat, breath, body tension and flow of thoughts to what is most relevant in the very moment.

Such an active organism leads to total

What training brings about this result effectively?

Which mental and physical benefits can be achieved through years of intense training of

How does fasting for weeks and strict diets effect the body and mind?

Is the key found more on the mental side?

What life philosophies and insights in the functional coherences of reality expedites the total exploitation of the potential of the organism?

What mental and physical benefit can be achieved through hour-long contemplation and meditation?

Has humility, the devotion of tradition and the belief in ideologies a functional advantage for the organism?

Is it even necessary to abstain the western lifestyle and live ascetically in solitude?​
Where are all the enlightened Shaolin, Buddhists, and Yogis?

Hi, my name is Ramon.

I dedicate my life to explore, embody and teach total mastery of ones own organism.

Among these countless trainings and teachings to be a more performant, healthy, free, wise and happy human being, what does really work?

After years of personal development, physical and mental training, studying science and tradition, I have recognized that most information and training techniques are quite ineffective to embody mastery of ones own body and mind.

Most of them are based on belief, instead of true embodiment. They activate the body and mind only partially. At a specific point in the process, sometimes even immediately, they have a negativ effect or are just ineffective overall.

Based on my own experiences I don’t recommend fasting, solitude, strict diets and the attempt of mental acrobatics through excessive meditation and contemplation as main tools. It is detrimental to believe in anything specific and follow traditions and teachings blindly. 

The essence of an effective training is the systematic activation of the entire organism and to have insights into the true functioning of reality through ones own intelligence.

Depending on the state of the organism and the intensity of the training it is possible to get rid of all the blockages and obtain mastery of the body and mind within months or years. How? Following I like to give you an overview.

Have you ever observed a child how it learns to walk? Through hundreds of attempts it activates gradually the musculature and the brain areas for balance and coordination.

The organism learns the function through the immediate experience of other people, which execute the function, self-experience and continues training, until the ability is obtained.

The activation created through physical movement is mostly limited by the energy which is used to perform the movement and to the parts of the body which are involved. 

When muscles are overused or chronically cramped through stress, they form a solid inactive tissue which restricts the blood flow and nerve functioning permanently.

Most physical movements are performed by contracting specific muscles. Through contraction usually only the active muscles are used. The inner cramped tissues aren’t necessary to perform the movement. They remain inactive, as long as they aren’t specifically activated.

With the help of the widespread methods like massage techniques, heat and cold therapies, Yoga and other physical trainings it is possible to remove the blockages partially. When we sleep or experience stress, they contract again towards the known state or cramp even further. 

Depending on the state of the body, life circumstances and used techniques, it may need years or even decades of dedicated practice of these methods to relieve the tension significantly.

In Yoga all around the world it is taught to merely hold poses or stretch without elongating the whole muscle chain from the inside out. I have done that as well for years.

It means to perform the form but not the function. It looks great from the outside, it often even feels good, but the effect is horrible compared to what is possible. It activates the body only partially and often leads to the downside effects of hypermobility.

To activate the entire organism effectively, it is necessary to build tension lengthwise throughout the whole body. Instead of performing outer movement the whole energy is used to disintegrate the blockages.

Moreover the effect of the training goes far beyond. The less the blockages impair the functioning of the organism and the more the muscle chains are actively connected, the stronger the entire organism is vitalized.

The immune system is strengthened. The digestion is optimized. The activity in the neural system helps to rapidly restructure old and build new neural networks. The mind becomes clear and focused.

Gradually the body maximizes the ability to adapt through influences and demands.

To obtain similar on the mental level, you have to condition your mind for total absorption, immediate analysis and intelligent action. I call that state the embodiment of total presence.

Total presence is free of interruption. Perception, understanding and action happen simultaneously. When a nearby glass drops to the floor, is has to be catched immediately. The moment you start to think “consciously” about it, you can pick up the fragments from the floor.

How do you move your arm? How do you think? How do you speak? You just do it, immediately! All these operations happen automatically within your organism, without conscious effort.

How have you learned to move your arm, to think and to speak? And why do you have the best ideas for instance when you are showering or doing a workout if you don’t even try to think consciously about a subject?

Intelligence! The freer you are of the compulsion, to think consciously about everything what you experience, the better the automatic processing within your organism functions.

Consciously you can only focus on one specific thing at once. One perception, one thought or one complex circumstance. Subconsciously you can execute at lot of different operations simultaneously. The true thought performance always happens subconsciously.

In the course of your lifetime you have build up myriads of mental constructs through the information you have consumed.

You have learned how you should act and how the world functions in general mostly by the words of other people, without validating the truthfulness and reasonableness of this assumptions through your own experience.

To be present you have to grow beyond any interpretation, through questioning them and looking deeper yourself. Automatically, if you belief firmly in the validity of specific functional coherences, the belief is hard-wired as perception, processing and action pattern into your life.

As long as you belief that your or some others interpretations reflect certainly reality, intelligence has no space to operate. You solely perceive everything from that limited thought structure, compulsively try to grow beyond or just stop in your development.

If you embody the fact that you never know for sure what happens inside and around you, intelligence uses your accumulated information and connects it to the unknown to generate new associations and insights effortless.

Whenever you want to take a serious step to exploit your total potential, hit the “Let’s Talk!” Button.

You are the creator of your experience!

Which experience do you aim for?


Perform godlike now matter what you do…


Be happy no matter what happens around you…


Experience total freedom in every moment…

No matter what you choose... All aspects are deeply connected.

If you master your body and mind, you will embody them all!